If you have an infected tooth or a nerve in your tooth is in pain, then you may need a root canal.
Root canals are an important procedure to save badly damaged or infected teeth. You often hear the phrase “root canal” used because the treatment involves cleaning the canals inside a tooth’s root. Back in the day, getting a root canal could be really painful, but thankfully greater advancements like anesthesia and endodontic tools have made it much more tolerable.
A root canal is a procedure where the nerve and pulp of a tooth are removed and replaced with an artificial filling. A root canal is typically performed when a tooth becomes infected or inflamed, but it can also be done as a preventive measure if your dentist sees any damage to the inside of the tooth.
Root canals are an excellent way to save your teeth. If you have an infected tooth or a nerve in your tooth is in pain, then you may need a root canal. Root canals are performed by a dentist to remove the pulp of the tooth, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. It is often necessary if infection or swelling of the nerve occurs.